Πλοήγηση στο βίκι

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Μετάβαση σε: πλοήγηση, αναζήτηση
Forest - Landsat
Article type photointerpretation_key  +
Compactness irregular  +
Distance to Cities +
Embedded edges density low  +
Greek name Dasos  +
Has improper value for Darker than neighbors  +
Is a kind of Forests and seminatural areas +
Landsat tm 432 color Red +
Occurs Mountains +
Photo tone uniformity non_uniform  +
Preferred name Forest  +
Relative size large  +
Rgb 321 color Dark green +
Shape2d irregular  +
Student name rs18069  +
Texture coarse  +
Κατηγορίες Another Category, Άλλη Κατηγορία
απόκρυψη ιδιοτήτων που συνδέουν εδώ 
Gaza strip + Contained in Agricultural areas with significant share of permanent crops, and with presence of scattered vegetation + Contains
Coniferous forest-Landsat +, Jungle - Quickbird +, Jungle IKONOS-Landsat +, Jungle LANDSAT TM +, Jungle MODIS +, Rainforest +, Rainforest Aster +, Rainforest Ikonos +, Red fir forest +, Δάσος Πλατύφυλλων - Landsat +, Δάσος Πλατύφυλλων-Landsat + Is a kind of
Area with shed leaves +, Burnt Forest SPOT +, Burnt Forest WorldView-2 +, Jungle - Quickbird +, Jungle IKONOS-Landsat +, Jungle MODIS + Is contained in
Illegal deforested areas-Landsat + Is contained to
Burned Forest LANDSAT +, Cremated forest-Landsat +, Deforestation Landsat +, Deforestration +, Deforestration of forests +, Forest deforestation Landsat +, Mine Landsat +, Parc Guell +, Park Guell +, Residential area in a forest +, Settlement of the Maya +, Settlement of the Maya IKONOS +, Τόκιο Disneyland +, Υδροηλεκτρικός σταθμός + Is surrounded by
Afforested area +, Mississippi river Landsat +, National Park +, National Park Ikonos +, National Park Landsat 5 TM +, RIVERS MODIS +, Reforestation Landsat +, Rivers +, Rivers LANDSAT 8 ΟLI +, Rivers Landsat +, Savanna + Occurs adjacent to
Mountainous villages +, Road Network Landsat + Occurs next to
Road Network Landsat + Property
Forest +, ΔΑΣΟΣ + σελίδα ανακατεύθυνσης


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