Επιθυμητές ιδιότητες
Από RemoteSensing Wiki
The following properties are used in the wiki but do not yet have a page for describing them.
Δείτε παρακάτω μέχρι τα 50 αποτελέσματα ξεκινώντας με #1.
Εμφάνιση (50 προηγουμένων | 50 επομένων) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
- Is a kind of (968 χρήσεις)
- Contains (803 χρήσεις)
- Is surrounded by (622 χρήσεις)
- Occurs adjacent to (568 χρήσεις)
- Is contained in (275 χρήσεις)
- Occurs next to (268 χρήσεις)
- Is covered by (168 χρήσεις)
- Border to (161 χρήσεις)
- Color (160 χρήσεις)
- Rgb321 color (147 χρήσεις)
- Quickbird rgb 321 color (145 χρήσεις)
- Size (113 χρήσεις)
- Is possible indicator of (101 χρήσεις)
- Prefered name (101 χρήσεις)
- Is surrouded by (100 χρήσεις)
- Occurs higher than (98 χρήσεις)
- Rgb 321 color (80 χρήσεις)
- Tone (78 χρήσεις)
- Studen"t name (76 χρήσεις)
- Student's name (68 χρήσεις)
- Preffered name (66 χρήσεις)
- Caused by (65 χρήσεις)
- Colour (62 χρήσεις)
- Is definite indicator of (60 χρήσεις)
- Shaped2d (56 χρήσεις)
- Place (51 χρήσεις)
- String (50 χρήσεις)
- Occurs lower than (50 χρήσεις)
- Category (47 χρήσεις)
- Property (45 χρήσεις)
- Photo identification elements (44 χρήσεις)
- Quickbird rgb321 color (44 χρήσεις)
- Causes (42 χρήσεις)
- Shape (42 χρήσεις)
- Satelite (38 χρήσεις)
- Recognised by (38 χρήσεις)
- Is similar to (36 χρήσεις)
- Type of dance (34 χρήσεις)
- Second step (32 χρήσεις)
- Third step (32 χρήσεις)
- Location (32 χρήσεις)
- Fifth step (32 χρήσεις)
- First step (32 χρήσεις)
- Number of steps (32 χρήσεις)
- Sixth step (31 χρήσεις)
- Occurs around (31 χρήσεις)
- Fourth step (31 χρήσεις)
- Hand grip (31 χρήσεις)
- Recognized (30 χρήσεις)
- Relative border to (30 χρήσεις)
Εμφάνιση (50 προηγουμένων | 50 επομένων) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).