Πλοήγηση στο βίκι
Από RemoteSensing Wiki
Τράτα Μεγάρων |
Crosswise step | Crosswise step + |
Fifth step | Right Leg back + |
First step | Right Leg forward + |
Fourth step | Left Leg back + |
Greek name | Τράτα Μεγάρων + |
Hand grip | Crosswise grip + |
Modification date | 18 August 2022 18:52:19 + |
Number of steps | Six steps + |
Preferred name | Trata Megarwn + |
Second step | Left Leg forward + |
Sex of dancers | Females + |
Sixth step | Left Leg right in front of Right Leg + |
Third step | Right Leg right + |
Type of dance | Chain dance + |
απόκρυψη ιδιοτήτων που συνδέουν εδώ |
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