Article type
photointerpretation key +
Conceptual features
Common name: the city lights, city lights +,
Is unlikely words: buildings being +
Geometrical characteristics
Figure: nameless +,
Size: varies +,
Model: linear +
Greek name
ta fwta tis polis +
Is a kind of
Artificial surfaces +
Modification dateΑυτή η ιδιότητα είναι μια ειδική ιδιότητα σε αυτό το βίκι.
13 June 2011 04:36:35 +
Photo identification elements of the lights of the city Spectral characteristics
Color: white, yellow, red, green,blue in both true color and false color in The color depends on the bulb) +,
Tone: open tone both true color and false color in +,
Homogeneity tuna homogeneous +,
Type of contour tone: bright discrete +,
Texture: Smooth +
Preferred name
The city lights +
Student name
rs09613 +
Κατηγορίες |
Αστικός ιστός,
Urban fabric
σελίδα ανακατεύθυνσης |
The city lights